This was the hardest aspect of the diet for us. After not supporting vegetarian diet lifestyles for so long and now being on the opposite side of the spectrum, we found it personally challenging. We received many different attitudes towards the diet. Most people really could care less that we were trying the diet, and others were against it. It was difficult convincing others that this is a good diet. When eating by ourselves there was little trouble sticking with the diet, but when with others we really sensed a feeling of being out of place. When talking with friends and family, they weren't at first against the choice to be pescatarian, but weren't exactly supportive of it either. Both of us were told by family members several times that they were glad this was only temporary because they didn't want to cater to our eating habits for very long. This was frustrating feeling. Dealing with other's thoughts for three weeks was a manageable task, but it is hard to imagine dealing with the ridicule had we decided to implement this change for a long period of time. This gave us the opportunity to change our attitude and realize that many vegetarians probably feel the way we felt on a consistent day to day basis. Having now tried this pescatarian diet we be more supportive and open-minded to others dietary lifestyles.
Before starting the diet, we would make frequent trips to publix to purchase groceries. There was not much change in how much a typical publix trip cost. Where previously money was spent on meat we were now spending it on vegetables and fish. We found that money would not be a reason to turn away from trying this diet. The price of fish compared to meat was very similar and fish was often even a little cheaper. There was however a bit of a difference when trying to switch from regular vegetables to organic vegetables. Organic is definitely more expensive. Having already learned this in class we were prepared for that finding. Slowly both of us implemented different organic foods in our shopping when the case permitted.
We definitely felt more eco-friendly during the past three weeks. That is to say though because we were really trying in all aspects of our lives to be environmentally conscious. Not only did we consciously eat sustainably, but we also recycled more and tried to use our cars and scooters as little as possible. We've come to the conclusion that your diet doesn't indicate how eco-friendly you are, it is your attitude. All diets from vegetarian to pescatarian to carnivore can have negative impacts on the environment. If you are eating seafood that isn't sustainable, you are the cause of our oceans depletion of not only fish, but the coral reefs and other precious plants and animals. The soybean, a staple on most vegetarian diets is a main cause for the deforestation of the Brazilian rain forrest. Carnivorous diets as well are causing large green house emissions due to the mass transportation of meat from time it travels from the farm to your plate. These are some of the severe environmental issues that result from not making smart food choices.
Alberta's Athletic Motivations:
I was worried that adopting this diet would hinder my athletic performance. I was wrong in thinking that. I felt just fine keeping up with my rigorous workout schedule and not eating meat. Many fish types offer an abundance of proteins which are essential to your body if you workout a lot.
Overall, like previously stated, this experience proved to be very enjoyable. It really gave us an opportunity to see what it feels like to live the vegetarian lifestyle. We thought that when deciding to end the diet we would crave meat, but that is quite the opposite of what we have found. We are sure that we will incorporate meat back in my diet, but will be eating much less. We will definitely stick to eating a lot of seafood, for we both loved that aspect of the diet! In the future we both plan on incorporating at least one meatless day a week into our lives.
Please feel free to leave comments or ask any questions! Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed it.
Albert and Alberta
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