Thursday, April 1, 2010

boca burger

After eating for two days in my "pescatarian comfort zone" so to speak, I decided to step out of the box and try the Boca Burger. I got the spicy three bean kind and let me tell you... DELICIOUS!!!! haha I was pleasantly surprised to be honest! I had it for lunch on bread and it was definitely a satisfying lunch. Boca burgers do contain GMO soybeans and I was disappointed in that but considering over 95% of all soybeans are GMO in the US I wasn't surprised.

Okay, so while I was at Publix shopping for my boca burgers this afternoon, the nice little sample lady spotted me down and offered me her samples. I looked at the sign that said "Shrimp pasta" and was happy that it fit into my diet and told her I'd love to try it. When I got the small plate of the pasta and inspected it, right smack dab between the shrimp and the noodles was a piece of bacon. I was so sad, my stomach was grumbling because I was hungry and I knew that I couldn't try the pasta. I didn't even want to pick around it because I felt like that was cheating. I told the lady I didn't realize it had bacon in it and politely tried to give it back to her but she was not so nice anymore. She was disgusted in me for taking the sample and then having to throw it away. It made me feel uncomfortable and really made me think about how vegetarians deal with these sorts of situations every day. I guess I need to be more aware of this.

Other than my Publix trip my day consisted of a early morning workout and then I played in a tennis lesson this afternoon. I had oatmeal for breakfast, the boca burger for lunch and have not eaten dinner yet. I am home for the Easter holiday and I think I will make my family talapia!

So far so good on the diet. here is a link about products that are GMO free and that have GMO.

Here is another link that describes what exactly GMO means!

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